» Tshark to the rescue (MySQL snooping)

And while I was at it. I figured out I could do something similar with mysql queries. Instead of turning on full Query-logging in mysql (which probably means a restart of a running production mysql) I could just sniff it tshark -i eth0 -aduration:60 -d tcp.port==3306,mysql -T fields \ -e mysql.query ‘port 3306’ » […]

Four short links: Tuesday, Nov 3rd 2009

Electric Alchemy: Cracking Passwords in the Cloud: Breaking PGP on EC2 with EDPR.  An interesting discussion about using Amazon EC2 to make it possible for the underfunded layman to crack passwords. “There is no YEAR ZERO for HTML. It’s a conversation […]”. One of the comments on Mark Pilgrim’s post about Why do we have […]

Seth's Blog: Ms. In-between

If the only reason you’re only wearing one hat is because you’ve always only worn one hat, that’s not a good reason. Seth’s Blog: Ms. In-between. Tradition for tradition’s sake is never a good reason to continue doing something in a technical environment.  The landscape is ever changing.  You should always be re-evaluating what you’re […]

Your Cloud Needs a Sys Admin – O'Reilly Broadcast

The programmer-managed infrastructure suffers from a death by a thousand cuts. The programmer is competent with technology and fully capable of setting up a system that can support the application being built. The programmer, however, lacks a detailed understanding of ongoing infrastructure management. Consequently, the programmer-managed infrastructure ultimately leads to an environment incapable of adjusting […]

Ubuntu Linux adds private cloud backing | Open Source – InfoWorld

Ubuntu Linux adds private cloud backing Canonical’s upcoming server upgrade supports the Eucalyptus project’s open source system for cloud implementation using hardware and software already in place Canonical is touting private cloud capabilities in an upgrade to its Ubuntu Linux OS being announced on Tuesday. Available for free download on October 29, Ubuntu 9.10 Server […]

Four Short Links, Oct 14, 2009

Larry Ellison hates cloud computing – funny clip of Ellison lambasting the idea of clouds. Yes, really, clouds have been around for over a decade, we just didn’t know it (or realize it). Dynamic general and slow query log before MySQL 5.1 – This is an interesting way of handling the slow and general query […]

Seth's Blog: Make a decision

It doesn’t have to be a wise decision or a perfect one. Just make one. In fact, make several. Make more decisions could be your three word mantra. Seth’s Blog: Make a decision. Finally, someone agrees with me.  One of the biggest demoralizers in an organization (in my experience) was the lack of someone standing […]

Four Short Links: Thurs., October 1st, 2009

Your People – Rand in Repose: “Your People will piss you off because the relationship is genuine. They do not coddle and they do not spin. Consequently, Your People error-correct you in ways that others cannot.” Wordle: ” Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide.” This looks like a […]

Crazy … bcfg2 for netapp?

While talking with Tom, it struck me that we could use bcfg2 to manage our filer configs. Filers are basically a bunch of files with some sort of way to trigger a re-read. If we mount the /etc dirs of a filer on the management node and run bcfg2 in a chrooted environment against that […]

The Duct Tape Programmer – Joel on Software

Jamie Zawinski is what I would call a duct-tape programmer. And I say that with a great deal of respect. He is the kind of programmer who is hard at work building the future, and making useful things so that people can do stuff. He is the guy you want on your team building go-carts, […]